Alastair Leo Tan

Alastair Leo Tan (Professional Counsellor, Certified Executive & Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Master NLP Practitioner)

I firmly believe that everyone has the resources within to reach their full potential, achieving the goals they’ve set and improving their levels of functioning within families, careers, schools and other systems. I aspire to leave a positive, indelible mark on those whom I work with and a lasting legacy of change that ripples forth to touch the lives of those around them. I have worked with a wide range of clients and beneficiaries.
  • Families and couples
  • Professionals and helping professionals
  • Children and teenagers
  • Foreigners in Singapore and from around the region
  • Adult offenders and reformative trainees

My Professional Accolades

My experiences and expertise
  • Qualification

Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling), Swinburne University of Technology

  • Professional certificates and affiliation

Executive / Life Coach, International Coach Institute Master Practitioner, Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Alastair holds a Master in Social Science (Professional Counselling) from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia and is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He is also an ICI certified Executive & Life Coach. He majored in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is also trained in other modalities such as Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Redecision Therapy, Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy.
With over 25 years as a marketer, advertising and communications specialist, Alastair has worked in small, medium and multi-national advertising, branding and communication agencies. From copywriting to the management of creative and client services teams, his varied roles and responsibilities has provided him with a solid foundation in this fast paced and fast changing industry. As a well-rounded and multi-faceted communication & brand specialist, his capabilities also include strategic planning, brand and agency management.
Alastair is a professionally trained Counsellor & Psychotherapist and certified Executive& Life Coach. Through counselling & therapy, clients are able to resolve current emotional & relational issues that are holding them back in some way or to deal with issues of the past that are affecting them. As a professionally certified coach, he enables clients to deal with internal & external resistance in order to make their desired goals and outcomes a reality. Whether through therapy, coaching or both, his objective is to help clients bring forth better versions of themselves so that lives can be transformed.
Alastair works with professionals, individuals, couples, teenagers as well as children of school going age and gives talks regularly at schools to parents. His private practice comprises both local and foreign clients who schedule monthly visits from the region to consult with him. He also runs Self-Awareness, Family-Focused, Fathering and Gang Renunciation Programs for long-term male prison inmates in Changi Prison as well as Motivational Primer Programs for younger male prisoners serving Reformative Training sentences in Tanah Merah Prison. These programs comprise lecture components that include self-awareness with relation to behavioral & coping patterns, parenting skills, renouncing gang affiliation & coping with its effects, goal setting & future planning for family/community re-integration, as well as personal counselling for inmates and their families.

About Alastair

Trainer, mentor, marketer, entrepreneur, consultant, manager, creative thinker, implementer, and now counsellor, therapist & executive life coach. Alastair’s various roles and responsibilities in the last 35 over years have shaped his attitudes, outlook, guiding principles and form the very foundations on which he has built his professional career, directing his interactions with others and the basis of his life goals and mission to make a difference in the lives of others.

As an experienced marketer, communicator and business consultant, he has had to deal with clients and partners at all levels and tasked to handle situations that call for incisive thinking and decisive action. As a professionally trained counsellor & coach, he has learnt to temper incisiveness with empathy to enable his clients to rise above their presenting issues and to empower them to bring forth desired changes in their personal lives.

  • Believes that everyone has the resources within to reach their full potential
  • Aspires to leave a positive, indelible mark on those whom I works with
  • Wants to leave lasting legacy of change that ripples forth to touch the lives of clients and people around them
  • Is an endurance athlete who also loves boxing and golf (single handicap)

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Tell us what you need and let’s explore what greatness we can do together!