Upcoming Events (Aug - Oct)

Talk Title




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Fostering a Conducive Family Environment

Does marriage always lead to lower quality of life? And are there reasons why divorces are increasing today? Can we really foster a conducive family environment where we can feel supported, where we can thrive and develop our potential? And develop our sense of independence without diluting our experiences of family?

A strong family stems from strong couple relationships. Join us as we discuss some of the key elements to fostering a conducive family environment such that all members can feel secure and yet thrive as individual members.

Alastair Leo Tan

12 August 2022 (Friday)

1930 - 2130

Open (Free)

Being Youth in Post-Modern World

Instasex, experimental drugs, online dating, and sexting, what are the motivations underlying youths' exploration of risky cultural activities and how does this impact them? Mental health, isolation, addiction, and stress, are youth more exposed and vulnerable to such issues today? How can we as parents and mentors better support youth in navigating these challenges? 

Gain insights into the world of youths and explore some of these topics that are not often discussed between parent and child, and examine how you can better support your teen, whether as a parent or mentor.

Eugene Chong

26 August 2022 (Friday) 2000 - 2130

Open (Free)

Past Events

Talk Title




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Discipline Strategies for Effective Parenting (Encore)

How do you build a relationship with your child based on discipline, self-control, trust and respect that endures through time, life stages and situations?

Be prepared for a time of discovery and reflection that will provide you with the understanding and application of discipline and communication strategies that will not only strengthen family bonds but will also help your child manage their emotions, learn self-control, and practice discipline as they take greater responsibility of their own goals and success. 

Alastair Leo Tan

15 January 2022 (Saturday)

0930 - 1130


Be a Nurturing Parent: Philosophies and Techniques (Encore)

How does your parenting style impact your children’s lives – are you also responsible for their failures as much as their successes?

Come hear from a father of 5 who works with prison inmates to hear what he learnt about parenting, and how it has helped him yielded children who are learners in their lives. Hear his missteps over the last 20 years and how he combines his expertise as a professionally trained counsellor and life coach to find the right balance to each situation he faces as a parent.

Alastair Leo Tan

11 March 2022 (Friday)

0930 - 1130


"Misunderstanding" Youths

A story tells a million secrets. How can we make sense of stories that at-risk youths share? What do we listen for so that we can make sense of their inner worlds, and to build connections in a way that leverages on their strengths and potential? How do we tap on our relationships to effect change in youths? Join us as we cover different ways to understand at-risk youths and their behaviours. We will also discuss some of the essential elements when understanding youths and ways to work with them effectively to foster change in their lives.

Alastair Leo Tan

22 April 2022 (Friday)

1930 - 2130


Practical Mindfulness and Self-Coaching Skills for Stress Management

Do you always wanted to manage your stress better but did not know how? Are you experiencing burn out at work and it seems that you have no way out?

Learn proven techniques that you can apply easily to manage life and work stresses right away so that you can truly live the life you deserve, including how Mindfulness works with stress management, easy Mindfulness exercises which you can practise anytime and anywhere, techniques to coach yourself for better mental wellbeing and recommended resources and more!

Dr Moses Koh, PhD (Internationally credentialed coach, mindfulness teacher and therapist)

30 April 2022 (Saturday)

1000 - 1130


Handling Teens Emotions

An emotional teen can be a challenge to deal with. But if you understand the signs and symptoms and the possible causes, you can help them manage their emotions better and learn to communicate what they are experiencing in more helpful and positive ways.

Helping your teen handle their emotions will also help you manage yours.

Alastair Leo Tan

13 May 2022 (Friday)

1900 - 2100


Understanding and Dealing with Rebellious Teen

Ever wondered why your teen seems to be so intent on disrupting your mental and emotional well-being? That everything they say or do seems to be the opposite of what you want or have said to them? What did you do to deserve this? Will you make it past their teenage years with your sanity intact or will you be scarred for life?

Fret not! We will help you understand and deal with your rebellious teen by helping you understand what it is they are trying to say and how rebellion may be a good thing.

Alastair Leo Tan

15 July 2022 (Friday)

1930 - 2130


Self-Reflexivity - The Secret to Stress Management

Stress comes in all sizes and forms. How do we make sense of stress and stressors? How does it impact our lives? When was the last time you took notice of your stress and truly looked back introspectively on the reasons for these stressors? And what does practicing mindfulness really mean?

Join us as we uncover and shed light on the secret to stress management in the fast-paced modern world and draw your awareness to the mechanisms underlying your responses and interpretations of the stressors!

Alastair Leo Tan

23 July 2022 (Saturday)

1000 - 1200


Talk Title




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Being Youth in Post-Modern World

Instasex, experimental drugs, online dating, and sexting, what are the motivations underlying youths' exploration of risky cultural activities and how does this impact them? Mental health, isolation, addiction, and stress, are youth more exposed and vulnerable to such issues today? How can we as parents and mentors better support youth in navigating these challenges? 

Gain insights into the world of youths and explore some of these topics that are not often discussed between parent and child, and examine how you can better support your teen, whether as a parent or mentor.

Eugene Chong

4 August 2021 (Wednesday)

1200 - 1330

Closed - Click here to access past talks on our FB page

Handling Peer Pressure (Teens)

What is peer pressure? Is all peer pressure negative? How do you help your teen deal with the pressures of being a teen? What can you do to support them? How do you encourage them?

Understanding the world of your teen and helping them navigate the physiological, psychological, and emotional changes they are experiencing at this stage of their lives is crucial as the foundations of their identities are being built. 

Alastair Leo Tan

14 August 2021 (Saturday)

0930 - 1130

Closed - Click here to access past talks on our FB page

Creative Conducive Environment (Primary School Children)

What is a conducive environment for a child to thrive in? Is it as simple as providing them with the things they want and ensuring their homework is done and they do well for their tests? How well are you preparing your child for the challenges ahead?

Learn how you can support them in this stage of their personal growth by providing a conducive environment for their developmental needs.

Alastair Leo Tan

25 September 2021 (Saturday)

0930 - 1130

Closed - Click here to access past talks on our FB page

Parenting Consultation (For past learners and attendees)

This consultation session is a follow-up from our talks for parents who seeks more insights into their parenting challenges or issues.

The platform will provide a space for parents to discuss key issues specific to parenting, and to consult with the speaker on different approaches, techniques, and strategies to better support their parenting needs.

Alastair Leo Tan

2 October 2021 (Saturday)

1000 - 1200

Closed (Close-door event)

Understanding and Dealing with Rebellious Teen

Ever wondered why your teen seems to be so intent on disrupting your mental and emotional well-being? That everything they say or do seems to be the opposite of what you want or have said to them? What did you do to deserve this? Will you make it past their teenage years with your sanity intact or will you be scarred for life?

Fret not! We will help you understand and deal with your rebellious teen by helping you understand what it is they are trying to say and how rebellion may be a good thing.

Alastair Leo Tan

12 November 2021 (Friday)

1900 - 2100

Closed - Click here to access past talks on our FB page

Parenting Consultation (For past learners and attendees)

This is round 2 of a talk and discussion with Alastair. The aim of the talk is to provide a platform for past and present learners and attendees to engage with a professional to make sense of the parenting challenges and issues!

Alastair Leo Tan

18 November 2021 (Thursday)

1930 - 2130

Closed (Close-door event)

Getting to know at-risk youths

Join Kristie as she shares her experiences working with youths from diverse background, including her experiences from working with youths from residential homes and secondary schools. Understand the motivations and behaviours of engaged and disengaged youths and learn new ways to engage them through appropriate bite-size information.

Kristy Eng (Youth Worker)

11 December 2021 (Saturday)

1000 - 1130

Closed (Close-door event)

Practical Mindfulness and Self-Coaching Skills for Stress Management

Do you always wanted to manage your stress better but did not know how? Are you experiencing burn out at work and it seems that you have no way out?

Learn proven techniques that you can apply easily to manage life and work stresses right away so that you can truly live the life you deserve, including how Mindfulness works with stress management, easy Mindfulness exercises which you can practise anytime and anywhere, techniques to coach yourself for better mental wellbeing and recommended resources and more!

Dr Moses Koh, PhD (Internationally credentialed coach, mindfulness teacher and therapist)

18 December 2021


1000 - 1130

Closed - Click here to access past talks on our FB page

Date: 23 April (Friday), 0930 – 1130

Speaker: Alastair Leo Tan


How do you build a relationship with your child based on discipline, self-control, trust and respect that endures through time, life stages and situations?

How can you do all this and ensure relationships are strengthened by it?

Be prepared for a time of discovery and reflection that will provide you with the understanding and application of discipline and communication strategies that will not only strengthen family bonds but will also help your child manage their emotions, learn self-control, and practice discipline as they take greater responsibility of their own goals and success. What should you do when your child crosses the line, and you have to enforce discipline and punishment? ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’. Does this still work today?

What will you do when your loveable, obedient child begins challenging you with opinions and perspectives of their own – how do you deal with an independent teenager who prefers the advice of friends and from social media rather than yours?

All these questions and much more will be answered in this 2-hour interactive workshop. Parents will be equipped with a better understanding of the concepts of discipline and punishment and how to enforce them using discipline strategies that are both timeless and proven.


Date: 29 May 2021 (Saturday), 0930 – 1130

Speaker: Alastair Leo Tan


‘The apple never falls far from the tree.’ What does that mean to you as a parent?

How does your parenting style impact your children’s lives – are you also responsible for their failures as much as their successes?

How do you strike the perfect balance between managing, controlling and letting go? What happens when you don’t?

Parents have so much on their hands these days. It’s already hard enough finding the time to manage one’s careers and to have enough time for self, how do parents even find the time fine tune their parenting styles let alone strike the right balance without it being a painful process of trial and error?

Come join us for this 2-hour interactive workshop to learn not just about parenting philosophies and techniques, but to also discover your own styles and strengths and to leverage these to overcome your difficulties and shortcomings. Which parent hasn’t gotten angry with their child and regretted some of the things that were said or done? How do you ensure mistakes are learnt and not repeated?

Come hear from a father of 5 who also works with prison inmates ranging from 14-74 to learn how his parenting philosophies have yielded children who are MOH and NTU scholars, straight A students and student leaders. Hear from his personal missteps over the last 20 years and how he combines what he has discovered as a professionally trained counsellor and life coach with common sense to find the right balance for each situation he has faced as a parent and a coach.

Alastair Leo Tan

Alastair Leo Tan (Professional Counsellor and Certified Life and Family Coach)

Alastair is a professionally-trained counsellor and executive coach working with teenagers, career professionals, families and couples.

Apart from conducting family and self-awareness training programs for male inmates in Changi Prison; he lectures at Media, Design & Advertising School, and conducts training seminars, workshops and coaching to corporate clients on a variety of topics such Effective Leadership, Problems Solving, Reflexivity as well as Effective Communications.

Alastair has a private psychotherapy practice working with both local and regional clients facing difficulties in handling life transitions, relationships and emotions. These may range from dealing with loss, change as well as managing addiction, anger, stress, anxiety, eating and image issues.

Alastair provides personalized coaching to professionals and companies who are looking to elevate staff performance. He is also a sought-after speaker on a wide range of parenting issues including enforcing discipline, improving communications, managing emotions and handling transitions for academic success.

Alastair holds a Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling) from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia and is also a Certified Executive & Life Coach and a Licensed Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.

Alastair has been happily married for over 25 years and is a father of five, ranging from 16-28 years old.  He is a firm believer in the strengthening of family bonds in today’s fast paced society through the building up of relational and communicational skills in order for them to develop as individuals as well as a family.

He spent over three decades in the advertising & marketing industry and was a business development consultant in the financial services sector before becoming a professional counsellor, executive coach and trainer.


Date: 06 May 2021 (Thursday), 0930 – 1100

Speaker: Vincent Soo


Every parent knows the importance of equipping children with the intellectual skills they need to succeed in school and life. But children also need to master their emotions. Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional awareness and ability to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life.

And as acclaimed psychologist and researcher John Gottman shows, once they master this important life skill, emotionally resilient children will enjoy increased self-confidence, greater physical health, better performance in school, and healthier social relationships.

The 1.5-hour talk is aimed to help parents to:

  • Learn the best ways to respond when your child is sad, angry, or scared
  • Discover how to use emotions as opportunities for connection and teaching
  • Learn how to set clear, consistent limits while helping your child problem-solve

Date: 19 June 2021 (Saturday), 0930 – 1100

Speaker: Vincent Soo


In our Asian culture, it is easy to catch our children doing wrong and tend to focus on our children’s weaknesses. We think that fixing their weaknesses will make them strong and successful.

Albert Einstein wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

The 1.5-hour talk is aimed to help parents to:

  • Learn to catch your child doing right
  • Discover your child’s strengths and talents
  • Protect your child from the anxiety and depression that are almost epidemic in children and teens today.

Vincent Soo (Relationship Artchitect)

Vincent Soo is a Family Life educator, relationship coach and psychotherapist for individuals, couples and families. He conducts workshops for singles, couples and parents to help them to enhance their relationships. He has also been conducting marriage preparation and couple enrichment workshops. As a Relationship Coach, he believes strongly in helping singles, couples, parents and their teenagers to build positive and flourishing relationships. He specializes in helping them to navigate their relationship challenges and establish great relationships with the significant people in their lives.

As an accredited provider of Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), I had worked with more than 200 parents in individual parenting sessions, and conducting more than 20 Triple P seminars in primary and secondary schools over the past few years.

As a Positive Psychology Coach, Vincent helps individuals to identify, develop and apply their character strengths to improve their mental wellbeing and live flourishing lives. He also helps individuals and students to identify and manage their emotions, empathise with others, establish and maintain healthy relationships with others, and make responsible decisions. He conducts Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Stress Management and Anger Management workshops in schools.

Vincent Soo is happily married for 24 years. His wife, who is a teacher, shares the same passion as him in strengthening marriage and family relationships.