Work Advancement Project! (WAP!)

Job-Support Programme

WAP! is a job-support programme designed to help individuals overcome employment challenges and retain meaningful work. We work with social service agencies and employers to implement WAP! for ex-offenders and low-income workers.
Work Advancement Project! (WAP!) is a job-support programme designed to help individuals overcome employment challenges and retain work. WAP! is an evidence-informed programme and has been implemented and evaluated in the community. You can find out more about the programme and the findings from the publications in our website.

WAP! is suitable for ex-offenders or individuals from low-income families with difficulties sustaining employment.

WAP! is specially designed for individuals who:

• Experience inconsistent job history
• Have difficulties sustaining work
• Have difficulties adapting to workplace norms and culture
• Lack confidence to take on new tasks and responsibilities
• Face challenges managing interpersonal relationships and conflicts
• Lack employment experiences to advance in their work

Training-coaching framework

WAP! deploys a training-coaching framework to support our beneficiaries in their jobs. The programme consists of two key components:

(1) skills training to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to
manage workplace challenges and;

(2) group-based coaching to address individuals’ real-world issues and
apply skills to overcome challenges

WAP! typically consists of 4 WSQ approved employability skills modules
conducted over a period of 4 to 6 months. Each module consists of a 2-days
training and 2 to 3 coaching sessions. The schedule, duration and packages will
be customised to meet the profile and needs of the population.

Through a series of training workshops and coaching sessions, WAP! aims to support our beneficiaries to attain the following outcomes.

• Adjust and adapt to workplace norms and cultures
• Build confidence in taking on new job roles and tasks
• Manage interpersonal relationships and conflicts at the workplace
• Improve social-emotional control to excel at work
• Increase adaptability to changes in the work environment
• Find purpose in engaging with employment

How WAP! can help your staff or beneficiaries

A training-coaching framework

WAP! incorporates both knowledge-based and
experiential learning.

We design activities that are contextualised to workplace realities to make learning purposeful.

Catering to literacy needs of participants

WAP! is designed to help participants overcome educational or language barriers to learning.

We incorporate audio and visual methods in our assessments to help participants overcome literacy barriers.

Customisable content and structure

We adopts a “no one size fits all” principle.

We overcome participation barriers by customising our content and maintain flexibility in our scheduling.

We customise our training programme to meet your needs.

We offer and other courses as such.

Our Programme Journey

We approach halfway houses to conduct a needs analysis to determine the employment challenges and learning needs of ex-offenders.
We conduct research to understand the needs and conceptualise a model to inform community-based interventions for ex-offenders.
We designed WAP! with the consultation of stakeholders, beneficiaries and subject-matter-experts.
With the support from The Helping Hand, we piloted WAP! with our first batch of learners.
We successfully conducted an implementation study on WAP! to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation in terms of the quality of implementation, the dosage of the program and participants’ motivation and engagement. We also uncovered factors impacting the effectiveness of, or participation in, job-support programmes amongst ex-offenders in the community.

How we work with you


Connect with us

Reach out to us to let us know your problem.



We consult you to help us better understand the needs of your beneficiaries or employees.



We seek your inputs in customising WAP! to better meet the needs of your beneficiaries or employees.



We present to you the programme structure and content. We communicate the programme to your stakeholders, staff, beneficiaries and funders.



We work with you to implement the programme for your beneficiaries or employees.



We conduct periodic evaluation, and report the finding and outputs to you and your stakeholders.

How we work with you

Feel that we can serve the needs of your beneficiaries or employees? We would love to explore and collaborate with you. Connect with us, we are open to doing a sharing about our work with your team.

Working Hours




Contact Phone

+65 92257369

Connect with us, even for just a sharing